AAIC Mac-had (institute) is founded on the Islamic morals, scholastic excellence, and good citizenship.
Inspiring the future through Islamic values.
- Knowledgeable scholars
- Community builders
- Strong Moral Character
Establish a high quality Islamic education for all of the students
Learning the Quran is an essential objective of AAIC Mac-had (institute)
Develop and maintain programs that instills children the value of Islam.
AAIC Mac-had (institute) revolves around the upbringing of the next muslim generation in their understanding of all laws and regulations upheld in the religion of Islam using the primary sources such as the Quran and hadith.
AAIC Mac-had (institute) strives to produce well rounded students in all subjects pertaining to Islam in order to enrich their understanding of the religion.
High-school level:
AAIC Mac-had (institute) provides 6 semesters in high-school level in order for our students to pass unto an associates degree in either sharia sciences or Qur’anic sciences.
Associate’s level: this program specifically takes place in only the mornings as of now. Our students take three (3) courses on Saturday and a different three on Sunday. Focusing on their sharia science. We offer 6 semesters during the associates journey.
Bachelor’s level & post-graduate: Our bachelor’s and postgraduate classes as of now take place only in afternoons. We have a class whom just started their bachelor’s program and another class finished their bachelors and are heading to their master’s.
Schedule and Shifts:
Mornings (Saturday and Sunday)
High-school level
Morning: 9:00am – 1:30pm
Afternoon: 2:30pm – 6:00pm
Associate level
Morning: 9:00am – 1:30pm
Afternoon: 3:00pm-5:30pm
Sunday Afternoon
University (bachelor’s & master’s):
Bachelor’s level: 3:00pm-5:30pm
Parents who would like to enroll their students to Abubakar Machad (institute) must fill an application form and submit at the office. Applications are processed on a first come first serve basis. Once your application reaches the top and there is an available seat, registration staff will call the parents to schedule an admission test.
All new students will need to be tested on their level of knowledge in reading and writing Arabic. The result of this assessment will determine what level the student will be placed at what semester. Waiting list will be maintained according to who applied first. Students can re-apply once they withdraw. Students who would like to re-apply must pay any outstanding fees before they submit their application. The office will not accept an application that has debts to pay.
Entry requirements:
AAIC Machad (institute) have specific requirements for each branch:
High-school level:
Must pass Reading and writing Arabic accuplacer
Have Some Juz’s of Quran memorization
Above the age of 14 or in high-school
Associate’s level:
High School diploma from any Islamic school
Above the age of 18
Reading and writing Arabic accuplacer
Bachelor’s level: Sharia sciences:
Associates from Ma’had or transferred credits from another Islamic school
Post-graduate level: Sharia sciences:
Must have a bachelor’s degree from any accredited islamic university
Contact info:
Please feel free to call the Ma’had office for any concerns or questions at the Masjid’s line: 612-871-8600 Ext # 8